General Info For the 2023-2024 Regular Season
1) The purpose of this program is to introduce kids to the sport of wrestling and / or prepare kids for high school level wrestling. Kids must be in elementary or middle school within Fayette county to participate (some exceptions may be granted). Note – 8th grade students are generally permitted to wrestle on their high school team.
2) Every wrestler must have a valid USA Wrestling card to participate in practices and tournaments. Please go to and purchase a card for your son or daughter. The cost of the card is approximately $40 and it is good for the entire season. You can affiliate the USA Wrestling card with a wrestling club. Please affiliate with PTC Youth Wrestling.
3) Dues for the regular season: $250. Please pay through PayPal using the link found on this website. Otherwise, please provide a check made payable to PTC Youth Wrestling. Note – the regular season dues will be used in part to cover your wrestler’s tournament registration fees detailed below under the Tournament section.
4) All wrestlers must fill out a Wrestler Info & Consent Form found on this website under “Forms”. Please fill out the forms even if you have filled them out in past seasons.
5) Required equipment: athletic shorts / pants, tee shirt, and tennis / running shoes. Mouthpieces are required for those with braces. For the tournaments (discussed below), the kids will be required to wear headgear. PTC Wrestling Club branded singlets and / or two piece uniforms will be provided to wrestlers to “borrow” for tournaments and meets. All wrestlers will be given a PTC Wrestling Club t-shirt.
6) Recommended equipment: wrestling shoes and headgear. Both can be purchased at Dicks, Hibbetts, Academy Sports, and Amazon.
7) Practices for the 2023/2024 season will generally be held 2 days per week (during the week but not on Fridays) from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the annex building at the old Booth Middle School (now called the Center of Innovation) located at 250 Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City, GA. The annex building / wrestling room is the stand alone building on the left side of school when facing the school from Peachtree Parkway. Practices will start the week of November 6th and end with our last event the weekend of Feb 10-11th. In general, if the kids are not in school (week of Thanksgiving and during Christmas break), we will not have practice and / or hold voluntary practices. Please see the calendar (found on this website) which will be updated throughout the season.
8) For kids who are unsure if they want to wrestle or not, we encourage trying out a practice or two with no obligation to join and no charge. Please just let one of the coaches know that you are there to try it out.
9) Wrestling Meets: We will arrange some dual meets with other local (southside) youth wrestling programs. Wrestling meets will generally be held during our regularly scheduled practice time, and details will be provided ahead of time on the website.
10) Tournaments: there will be tournaments most weekends during the season (especially in December, January and February). PTC Wrestling Club coaches will pick 4-5 tournaments to attend during the season, and the regular season dues will cover the registration fees associated with these tournaments. Several of the tournaments are held on the north side of Atlanta. Details regarding which tournaments we will be attending will be provided via email and the dates will be shown on the calendar (found on this website). Parents are responsible for all tournament transportation. If your son / daughter has more than 1 year of wrestling experience, then tournaments are generally held on Saturday. First year wrestlers will wrestle in the Novice division (beginners only) tournaments which are generally held on Sundays. If a wrestler is unable to attend a tournament, please let the coaching staff know beforehand.